About English




I am Waka Amakawa. It is the owner of this site.
I am a Japanese woman.



This site are the basis of Japanese text.
English page is the automatic translation of Google.




I am not good at English
I need your help with a simple English to comment.


English comment is not displayed now in this site.
They are because it is judged spam.
It is a specification by the plug-in WordPress.
I can not judge of English comment.  Do not spam or spam.

Please add at the beginning of the comment to me.

“To Waka”

I can read your comment.


The English comment automatically is non-displayed.
Therefore I let I am hand-operated and display it.

Again, I kindly ask for your understanding.


I am studying English.

When you enjoy it in this site, I am glad.


Thank you.
